Location: Nisshin, Aichi, Japan

Very fun group pf students at Nagoya University Of Commerce and Business Administration.

11 May 2006

New Stuff

I am slowly figuring out all of this computer 'stuff'. In the process I have managed to link a few sites on this blog. I am sure they are self explanatory, but just in case...
The friends links take you to...friends' sites. If you are a friend and you are not on there, then I am sorry. Please tell me if you want me to link your site and I will as soon as I can. The second group is a list of some cool projects some friends are into (believe it or not, I have friends doing cool things) artistic venue, a film company, a new things come up, I will add them. The third section is a list of links to sites concerning things I think are important. It, like the other lists, is far from complete, but it might you give you something to peruse if apathy has not yet gripped your heart. As always, suggestions for improvements are certainly encouraged. Please muddle through these things at your leisure, and check back for updates. I hope they will be many and often. Cheers.


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